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Thursday, September 1, 2011

For Immediate Release:

Wed., Aug. 31, 2011


Event date: Thurs., Sept. 8, 2011

On Sept. 8 at 3:30pm in Toronto there will be a flashmob demonstration in honour of the nearly 600 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada. This day marks the arrival of the Walk 4 Justice, a grassroots collective of volunteers walking across the country to raise awareness about this atrocity of human rights. The group left Vancouver on June 21st and will continue on across the nation after their stop in Toronto.

This demonstration will include First Nations hand drumming and singing as well as speakers from the Walk 4 Justice and the Aboriginal community in Toronto. The flashmob will stage a brief spectacle to symbolize the loss of these sisters, mothers, daughters and friends
This event is part of the Ryerson University’s social justice festival hosted by Ryerson Students’ Union, and is in collaboration with the Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto, Power Projects Inc., Ryerson Aboriginal Student Services, Canadian Union of Public Employees, No More Silence, and The Native Canadian Centre of Toronto.

When:   Thursday, September 8th, 2011 at 3:30pm
Where:  Church Street & Gould Street, Toronto (Ryerson University)
Walk 4 Justice information:
Demonstration organizer: Darlene Varaleau

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