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Monday, February 6, 2012

Congratulations to Maurice Switzer (Director of Communications at the Union of Ontario Indians)

Photo By: Christine McFarlane

Congratulations to Maurice Switzer of Alderville First Nation and who is the Director of Communications at the Union of Ontario Indians and Editor of Anishinabek News for receiving the Friends of Ontario First Nations Public Libraries Honour Program Award at the 2012 Ontario Library Association Awards on February 2. The Friends of Ontario First Nation Public Libraries Honour Program recognizes and conveys respect and appreciation to individuals who and organizations that have actively demonstrated significant understanding of and support for the establishment and ongoing development of public libraries in First Nation communities.
The Program, initiated in 2004 for first presentation in 2005, is coordinated annually by a member of the Ontario First Nations public library community. Members of the First Nations public library community nominate candidates for the Honour Program based on specified criteria.
The Program honour is a handcrafted, stained-glass friendship feather presented in a frame with an engraved plaque.
The first Friendship Feather presentations took place at the 2005 First Nations Public Library Week Launch hosted by Bkejwanong First Nation Public Library, Walpole Island on February 14. Since 2006, Honour recipients have received their Friendship Feathers at the annual Public Library Awards Dinner that takes place at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference.

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