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Monday, August 22, 2011

Review of Gord Hill's "The 500 Years Of Resistance Comic Book"


Review: The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book

By: Christine McFarlane

This is the first time that I have done a review on a graphic comic book, but after someone mentioned “The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book” to me, I thought that I would take a look at it, and see for myself what it was all about.

Once I opened up the book, I could see why The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book would be a hit. It is done in a format that not only gives you a very solid mental image of just how involved the Indigenous peoples of America were in their efforts to keep and reclaim their lands, but the format is also accessible to all age groups. It is a book that I would give my own niece, if she were to ask for starter references as far as history goes.

After a somewhat longwinded introduction by activist and author Ward Churchill, I was happy to see Gord Hill's talent introduced in the book. The visual history he presents weaves the many stories of colonialism and resistance together and opens you to higher level of understanding. I also notice that the visual context of looking at the comics gives your eyes a break from the small print and also makes it accessible to those who may have a hard time engaging in reading lengthy books or articles.

Gord Hill, states in his preface “unfortunately the history we are taught through the educational system and corporate entertainment industry is false, particularly its depiction of European colonization as inevitable (or even justified) and Indigenous peoples as helpless victims (or even willing participants). The story of our ancestors resistance is minimized, at best, or erased entirely.” (5)

The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book works to uncover the history we have seen minimized and covers ground that I do not ever recall seeing in my own history books in school. It reaches back to the start of it all when Christopher Columbus landed in South America and ends with the Six Nations land reclamation in Ontario in 2006. Other events depicted include the 1680 Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico; the Inca Insurgency in Peru from the 1500s to the 1780’s; Pontiac and the 1763 Rebellion& Royal Proclamation; Geronimo and the 1860s Seminole Wars; Crazy Horse and the 1877 War on the Plains; the rise of the American Indian Movement; Wounded Knee; the Mohawk Oka Crisis and lastly the 1995 Aazhoodena/Stoney Point resistance.

It is stated that Hill spent two years researching historical information to create this 87 page comic book. His skill at producing and capturing the history of Indigenous people is incredible, and is sure to leave you with long lasting memories of the fighting spirit and ongoing resistance that Indigenous people have had and continue to have.

The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book written by Gord Hill is 87 pages and published by Arsenal Pulp Press (  and can be found in your local bookstore under Comics & Graphic Novels/Native Studies. $12.95 Canada/US $11.95 ISBN 978-1-55152-360-6

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