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Friday, July 1, 2011

Toronto's Largest Outdoor Pow Wow Brings Community Together

Na Me Res Pow Wow on June 25, 2011, Wells Hill Park, Toronto, Ontario

A pow wow is a great way for a community to come together and celebrate a heritage that is rich and vibrant. Whenever there is a pow wow, it is an event that I look forward to attending. It gives people who are not familiar with First Nations culture, a chance to see how rich First Nations culture is. It can empower  those who grew up without a chance to experience their culture, traditions and ways, a chance to see the different types of  dancing, hear drumming from various groups and foster a greater understanding within.

The pow wow experience means two things to me. It is empowering and it helps bring a sense of belonging to something that I felt lost to while growing up- culture.

In going to a pow wow, I love the sound of the drums, the images of those who dance and when a pow wow is held in the city, it does a great service for those First Nations who have only known the city. It brings culture to us and allows us to experience something we may not have otherwise had a chance to learn.

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