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Friday, March 27, 2015

Event Posting- Thursday April 2, 2015 @ 12 noon Ministry of Attorney General

Cindy Gladue was an Indigenous mother and 36 years old when she was murdered in an Edmonton motel room 4 years ago. Last week an all white and almost all male jury decided to acquit her killer, a white Ontario man, because they believed that Cindy had consented to the violence that left an 11 cm wound in her vagina causing her to bleed to death.
Cindy's death is a reminder that Indigenous women' lives and sex workers' lives are not valued in this deeply racist, sexist and misogynist society.

We support the calls for an appeal and other forms of justice!

Join us to express our outrage!

Endorsed by No More Silence STRUT, Maggies TO Families of Sisters in Spirit South Western Ontario Sex Workers

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