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Monday, January 30, 2012

DVD Review: Water On The Table

"The question of whether water is a human right is not a semantic debate. You get people to say its a human need, why do you need to designate it a human right? And here's why: If its a human need it can be delivered by the public sector or the private sector on a for-profit basis. If its a human right, you cannot sell it, you cannot trade it, and you cannot deny it to someone because they do not have money to pay for it."
(quote by Maude Barlow in the Water On The Table film)

DVD Review: Water On The Table

While viewing this dvd, I was taken away by the images of water that splashed across my screen, the work by water warrior Maude Barlow, the gathering of community to fight Site 41, and the campaign brought to the UN. I took in the scenes of water shot from the lake waters of Simcoe County, to the mountains and beyond, and recalled the teaching by Josephine Mandamin "an ounce of water will cost the ounce of gold in 2030 if we continue our negligence."

 I felt sad when I saw the fly over images of Alberta's tar sands and watched Elders and members of Fort Chipewyan, Alberta explain the consequences and impacts they have had to endure all because of our governments greed for money and profit. I asked myself "how can a life source like water be so taken advantage of?

"Water On The Table" is a social issue documentary that explores Canada's relationship to water. It also explores the impact of commodification and how it is a war that has to be continually fought. The documentary follows the work of water crusader Maude Barlow and the fight she has taken up to defend our waters. The campaign to have water declared a human right was dramatically advanced at the United Nations on July 28, 2010 where it is stated " some 884 million people are without access to safe drinking water and more than 2.6 billion lack access to basic sanitation. 1.5 children under five years old die each year as a result of water-and sanitation related diseases."

Film Director/Producer Liz Marshall does an incredible job in bringing forth the work of Maude Barlow and her fight against those who insist water is just another resource to be bought and sold.

"Water On The Table" is a part of the hot docs collection ( and is 79 mins long. It's special features include revealing short documentaries, the making of Water On The Table-Water Activism, Water Meditations and the Glacier-Howser Story. For more information on this documentary please visit the following website

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