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Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Ojibwe Story: Who I Am

Ojibwe Story: Who I Am
By: Christine  McFarlane


Christine nitishinikaas- My name is Christine

 Kanoohken weti kaa-onciyan- Remember where you come from

 Peguis nitoonci- I am from Peguis

 Baskkodebizhiki nitootem- Buffalo is my clan

 Shaakooc ni daabishkoo indigo mahkwa- However I like bears

 Ni ombigi’aawaswaanag- I am adopted

Nikii ontaatis mekwac pimankasoc Kashkatinoo-piihsim- I was born in November

Ni’dibaajimoomazinaigan- I write for the newspaper

 nindibaajimoowikwe I am a female journalist

 Ni minwentan ahpi masinahkeyaan I am happy when I am writing

Nimaamaa Peguis nitoonci- my mother is from Peguis

 Anna ishinihkaaso- her name is Anna

 Nimaamaa noonkom Peguis ishitaa- my mother now lives in Peguis

 Nitaataapan Fisher River oonci- My father is from Fisher River

 William ishinihkaasopan- His name is William

 Kaawiin nitaataa ayaawaasiin- No, my father is not around anymore

 nintAyaawaa peshik nimihses-  I have one older sister

Marguerite ishinihkaaso- Her name is Marguerite

 nintaayaawaa peshik nintooshamihkwen- I have one niece

 Samantha ishinihkaaso- Samantha is her name

 Kinokaapawi-  nimpahshitahok-She is tall, bigger than me

 Jiikendaagozi moojigendaagozi- she is fun

wiinge ni gichi-inenimaa- I think the world of her

Nisaakihaa nintoshamikwen- I love my niece.

 Nikihci-metawemin- We play a lot

Niwii waapamaa nintooshamihkwen shaakooc ishi ishkooniwikamik- I want to visit my niece, however she is in school

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