Welcome! I love to write, and I love sharing what I write with my readers. I vary my style as much as I can-posting events, creative non-fiction, prose and poetry and the occasional video. Enjoy!



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Reader's Contribution: Rand Scott

This post was in response to my initial call out for a guest post on my blog. If any other readers are interested in contributing work to my blog, please send me a message via

Bio: Rand Scott home is in Toronto but feels at home in the natural world devoid of concrete. He is a recent graduate of Aboriginal Studies and English Literature. Studying and working with such notables as Lee Maracle, George Elliott Clarke, Ray Robertson, Marcy Woodrow, Lee Gowan, Janis Rapoport, and Judith Robertson have helped Randolph hone his craft. His work has been well received by them.

Randolph is currently researching texts on the military strategy of quarantine, destruction, and isolation that were/are deployed by colonial forces. With the creation of poetry and short narratives in response to the texts Rand commits to justice, gives voice to the voiceless and, shows that we have the power to re-name ourselves.

My World

The land turns red against the dawn
Flocks of returning geese string
ribbons bellied against spring’s melting prison
A crow’s feathered legs clings to the gravelled shoulder
Robins, twinned in matches fall over one another
unsettling leaf’s decayed faces
finally freed from winter’s cold carpet.

Pastures of plenty
apprehended like barren wombs
I straddle two worlds
un comfortable in each
a skeleton key my only possession
 my harbour a wind blowing through
a window crack

Rand Scott

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